“Opening Doors, Bridging Gaps.”

Founded in 2014, BLC (Bridge Language Center) is currently a continuing education department of Jakarta International University. JIU is a member of K-Eduplex (an education complex) and is located in Deltamas, Cikarang.

  • As a language center, BLC provides a formal certification to students who have successfully completed all programs.

BIPA Level 1 and 2 Courses

We have developed a BIPA program and textbook specialized for learner-centered students. The 16-weeks regular programs are at the same level and at 240 hours period. Class days are from Monday to Friday and with a duration of 180 minutes per day. The language lecturers were trained at the prestigious universities and experienced in teaching foreigners. Through this intensive program, students will be able to speak high-level Indonesian in a short-time period.

There are three levels in BIPA programs.

Level 1 (beginning) : In this course, students will understand the basic grammar of Indonesia and can have a basic communication with Indonesian in all areas of everyday life. After completing this course, students will be able to speak Indonesian in a higher level than those who have lived in Indonesia for more than 10 years and do not study in a regular course. Students can also translate to Indonesian at this level.

Level 2 (intermediate) : In this course, students will listen to TV programs, learn various expressions in certain context, and communicate their arguments in the form of speeches, presentations and fairy tales. Also, students will learn most of the grammatical rules in Indonesian. After completing this course, students will be able to understand Indonesian broadcasts, share deep conversations with local people, and write some essays and columns at high level.

Daily Indonesian Conversation Course

Can’t get what local Indonesian people say to you even though you have learned Indonesian language for some time? Then this program is for you! This is a practical daily Indonesian conversation program which will equip you with the understanding and knowledge of the actual Indonesian language used by the locals on a daily basis. Students must possess at least basic Indonesian language skills (BIPA 1) to enroll in this program. With the duration of three hours a day, four days a week for six weeks, it is expected that the students will be able to comprehend daily Indonesian conversation better as to deepen their knowledge on Indonesian language and culture. 

Korean Language Courses

The Korean language program is designed to enable students to learn proficiency in Korean language and to be a bridge role between Korea and Indonesia in order to promote economic revitalization and cultural exchange. In addition, we plan to strengthen the foundation for cooperation between the two countries by providing Korean language program to skilled workers in various occupational areas.

Contact Information

logo BLC3
K-Eduplex (Main Campus)
Cikarang Campus
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